Industry Professionals

Write Direction

Resume Services

A dependable source for expert design of Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) friendly resumes, cover letters, as well as LinkedIn page updates – all within reasonable pricing!

At Write Direction Resume Services, we believe that your resume should be as unique as you are, that’s why we strive to deliver exclusive, non-cookie cutter, or generic documents.

Our experienced writers produce resumes that increase applicant call-backs and interview requests. We structure documents to distinctively highlight the talents and experiences that employers search for, providing a competitive edge over the competition.


Meet OUR Writers

Latoshia Sims

Latoshia specializes in Technical Resume Writing for industry professionals. Her IT background and technical recruiting experience uniquely qualify her to understand and effectively translate client qualities and job history into content that separates candidates from their competition. She has written resumes for individuals ranging from high school students and recent college grads gaining their first taste of working life to top leaders in Fortune 500 companies. She has a passion for helping others, oftentimes volunteering her resume development skills to non-profit organizations to support those in need. Latoshia’s love for writing allows her to transform everyday client job tasks into captivating and expressive resumes that get results.

Certified Professional Resume Writer

Bernethea Rutledge

Bea Rutledge, a dynamic professional with over 22 years of combined experience in resume writing, career coaching, and recruitment. Hailing from Brooklyn, NY, and now rooted in the South, Bea brings a perfect blend of assertive charisma and southern charm to her work. Her extensive background provides her with a comprehensive understanding of crafting standout resumes that resonate with employers’ expectations. Leveraging her unique blend of expertise and warmth, Bea delivers personalized and impactful resume services tailored to each client’s career aspirations.

Write Direction Resume Services

Start receiving more call-backs. 
Get the tools you need to land the position you want!

Professional Resumes

Expertly-written resumes call attention to your accomplishments, using keyword-rich content that favorably separates you from the competition.

LinkedIn Profiles

Don’t underestimate the power of a strong LinkedIn profile. 97% of recruiters use social media to find high-quality candidates. 

Cover Letters

Persuasiveness and power words in a cover letter allow you to narratively tell the employer about your unique experience and why hiring you is ultimately the right decision.

Professional Bio

A professional bio extends beyond a resume, representing you at networking events, highlighting your personal brand, and showcasing your unique expertise. 

Write Direction Resume


Personalized Resume Content

We work individually with clients, gathering content to create personalized branded career tools that emphasize your accomplishments and value to prospective employers.

Your documents will be

Our PRocess

01. Initial Contact

We gather preliminary data from the client to ensure that we have an understanding of what type of position is being sought. 

02. Assessment

We work individually with the client, gathering content to create personalized branded documents that emphasize accomplishments and value to prospective employers.

03. Resume, Cover Letter & LinkedIn Creation

A writer will collaborate with the client, providing first drafts, which will be delivered in about a week (5-7 business days). The client then has another week to review and give feedback to the writer, with up to two rounds of revisions. The entire process typically takes one to two weeks for full circle completion. 

04. Final Draft

After all of the documents have been written and approved by the client, we provide final word formatted documents, so that the client can begin applying for positions. 

Everything you need to apply to
jobs and get your career moving in the

Write Direction!




Keyword-Rich Resume.

Resume Essentials





Resume & Cover Letter




Resume & LinkedIn


Industry Expertise

Resume, Cover & LinkedIn

Additional Services


Executive bio

Showcase your leadership and management skills with a one-page document summarizing your core value, career history, and accomplishments.


Networking, Follow-Up & Thank You Letters

Step out in front of the competition with custom Follow-up and Thank You Letters to show interview appreciation and ask for the next steps.


Resume Update

Maintaining an up to date resume is important. Existing clients have the option to add a new job to the resume or re-target it for new a industry.


Career Counseling

Add career counseling  to your order and a career coach will spend one-on-one time working with you to help guide your career in the Write Direction!



Hire high-performing employees to satisfy your organizational needs.

Recruiting and employing the right people for the right jobs is critical for success in driving and growing organizational business. Recruiting qualified candidates is not a one-time deal – employee recruitment is an ongoing process. Employees are a company’s most valuable asset – making recruitment an employer’s most powerful defense against the cost of high turnover!

Our Recruitment Services:

We are experienced in recruiting top-performing candidates across multiple industries. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you hire new talent for your organization.

Contact us

Reach Out Directly

Business Hours
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 8PM EST

Email us: [email protected]


Find us on social media.


  • Our resume-writing process is collaborative between the writer and the client. We use your current resume as a primary source of information; however, we have also designed an introductory questionnaire to gather more detailed information regarding your past experiences and current goals.
  • After choosing and securing your services, you will be directed to the Customer Portal to begin the writing process. The portal is where you will communicate directly with your writer. Resume tickets can be viewed/updated there as well. 
  • Clients receive an initial draft and 2 revisions. If within 60 days of purchase, you are unhappy with your resume or any of your associated documents, we will provide re-writes for free. 
  • Simply send an email to [email protected]
  • Visit our social media accounts to find career-related videos, interview tips, networking advice, and resume best practices.
  • Have more questions? Email us today at [email protected] to schedule a 20 minute question and answer session or inquire about other Career Counseling options.